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legal thriller

Intern, The

Corrupted Justice Author: Michele Campbell What happens when you get your dream job, but you must jeopardize it for your family? What happens when the family in question is your screw-up brother, and you’re the hard working, good kid, the one who is always left behind to pick up your brother’s mess? Madison Rivera is faced with this very quandary before she even gets her elusive internship with world-famous judge Kathryn Conroy. Madison is an up-and-coming law student. She’s worked hard for everything she has ever gotten, and now it is starting to pay off. But her brother was recently caught [...]

2023-10-17T11:14:32-07:00October 14th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , |

Runaway Jury, The

Big Tobacco Vs. the Everyman Author: John Grisham In the case of Big Tobacco vs. the everyman (set in the 90s), it’s a given that the cigarette companies, with unlimited money and loose ethics, are going to win. But this landmark trial, set in a sleepy Mississippi town, just might challenge that assumption. Despite the tobacco companies’ careful research on all prospective jurors, one unknown has made it onto the case: Nicholas Easter. He’s a young man, and it’s hard to tell if he leans toward either side. There isn’t much on Easter, so it’s a surprise when he moves up [...]

2023-03-06T18:02:52-07:00March 6th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |

Partner, The

New Life, Old Enemies Author: John Grisham Patrick S. Lanigan was an up-and-coming lawyer with a big firm who had an even bigger case. A case with $90 million dollars in flux. Of course, as the newbie, none of the partners really wanted Patrick close to this case, and the reasons are less about being careful and more about pocketing some of the dough for themselves. So, everything seems all right to them when Patrick is killed in an auto accident. But then the $90 million dollars goes missing and a new man, Danilo Silva, comes on scene, living under the [...]

2022-11-04T16:57:07-07:00November 4th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |
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