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Ghost Station

"Some of us are broken enough that we don’t get to be fixed." Author: S.A. Barnes Dr. Ophelia Bray is in way over her head – far more than her adversarial crew mates realize. This is her first space-based mission. Her job is to watch the crew for signs of ERS, a deadly, infectious condition that might have led one of their previous members (Ava) to her isolated and inexplicable death. ERS manifests through self-harm and, worse still, murderous psychotic rampages. But it’s preventable, even treatable, if caught in time. But Ophelia is not bringing her A game. She is distracted, [...]

2025-02-02T13:55:21-07:00February 2nd, 2025|Tags: , , , , |

Bright Young Women

A Fictionalized Story of the Ted Bundy Murders Author: Jessica Knoll Bright Young Women is an ambitious attempt to tell a segmented story of trauma, misogyny, exploitation, resilience, and women fighting against a biased and broken system. While the true crime story it’s based on (the Ted Bundy murders) is interesting, Bright Young Women fails to capture the tragedy of those involved. Instead, it comes off as a caricature of what happened, an outline of complexity that fails to capture a deeper, bloodier story. It strives to do something honorable, to highlight the victims instead of the insidious, egotistical perpetrator, but [...]

2025-01-27T10:39:19-07:00January 27th, 2025|Tags: , , , , , |

I, Strahd: Memoirs of a Vampire

"I Am the Land." Author: P.N. Elrod In Vampire of the Mists, we gained a brief glimpse into the brutal history of Barovia’s vampire overlord, a history coated in carnage and torn by betrayal and perverted love. Following this history, P.N. Elrod gives the master of the land a chance to speak for himself, to tell the story of his fall from grace and the creation of the dark plane where demonic-demigods rule, distributing abyssal punishments to doomed peoples, and where the mists keep the trapped forever entombed. It all starts with Strahd, an aging warrior who is increasingly dissatisfied with [...]

2025-01-20T18:43:42-07:00January 20th, 2025|Tags: , , , , , , , |
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