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Coffin County

Terrible Twists and Sloppy Shocks Author: Gary A. Braunbeck Coffin County is book four in Gary A. Braunbeck’s increasingly weird, irreverent Cedar Hill series. In this volume, a gruesome killer is on the loose, massacring diners to live out his destiny, constantly seeking his own death only to return and wreak carnage. The killer, however, has an affinity for the grieving cop on the case, leading him into a dark night of the soul that provides just as many questions as it does answers. I came to the Cedar Hill series through a random eBay book lot many years ok. I [...]

2024-07-20T19:13:10-07:00July 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

I Found Christmas Lights Slithering Up My Street

Have a Hazardous Christmas Author: Ben Farthing Doug is a child who LOVES Christmas. His family enjoyed celebrating it, until the year when his little sister wandered away on Christmas Eve only to be found dead on Christmas. After that, his parents divorced themselves from the lights and celebration. No more Christmas Trees. No more presents. No more Rudolph specials. Where the holiday used to glow brightly, now there is only loss and dimness. Doug wants to bring back Christmas to his parents and remind them that they still have him. This will be the year. He’ll create a beautiful display [...]

2024-07-06T18:59:02-07:00July 6th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Influence, The

Monsters in the Desert Author: Bentley Little Ross Lowry is down on his luck. For years, he was the support system for his family. Showing up when no one else would, bank rolling everyone’s ideas and disasters, rescuing everyone. Now that he needs rescue, however, he finds himself all alone, until his cousin opens her rural guest house in Magdalena, Arizona for him. Just until he finds a job. Just until he gets over the hump. But things are happening out in that desert town. Luck is changing. Rich people are finding themselves poor; poor people are becoming rich. Healthy people [...]

2024-07-05T10:05:47-07:00July 5th, 2024|Tags: , , , |
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