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Lookin’ For Love

Cocaine and Champagne  Author: Susen Edwards It’s 1963 and Ava is sure that she can escape her unloving parents through marriage. Before the honeymoon is over, she regrets her choice. Her husband is a violent alcoholic. Two little boys later, nothing has changed. Her children are witnessing their mother being slowly destroyed, and with nowhere to go, she leaves her husband and starts a dissolute life of go-go dancing, hoping to make enough money to keep body and soul together. Starved for affection, overworked and undervalued, with no support network, Ava devolves into the seedy world of drugs and alcoholism, ultimately [...]

2024-09-17T18:39:58-07:00September 17th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Black Cake

Family Secrets and Heart Scars All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. ~ Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina Author: Charmaine Wilkerson Sometimes, the only thing left that can bring the broken back together is tragedy. This has proven true for estranged siblings Byron and Benny Bennett. Their father died years ago, and Benny refused to come to his funeral, cementing the family fracture. Now, their mother has passed suddenly, and Benny is back, confronting her brother and her past, trying to make sense of where it all fell apart. But it’s a past that neither [...]

2024-08-18T13:22:16-07:00August 18th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Authentically, Izzy

Authentically, Dull Author: Pepper Basham Izzy Edgewood is your stereotypical representation of a nerd: she never wears heels, likes to read all the time, and lives to watch and quote Lord of the Rings. She’s hopeless and helpless, and always picks the wrong type of man for herself, until her domineering cousin takes romance by the horns and creates Izzy an online dating profile. Despite herself, Izzy plays with the profile a bit until bammmm, a magical, book loving man who is socially awkward but extremely handsome, owns his own bookstore, has a Scottish brogue, and also knows the Lord of [...]

2024-04-28T12:38:57-07:00April 28th, 2024|Tags: , , , |
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