About Sue

Sue photoSue is an old-school book nerd who remembers when Arrow and Tab book club delivery days were the highlight of elementary school. She would trudge home with her stack of paperbacks and lie on the front porch swing and read – Beverly Cleary, Judy Blume, and so many more. After switching to Stephen King at age 12, clearly marking her as a JDR (Juvenile Delinquent Reader), she was able to hide just enough of her inner nerd to survive high school.

After graduating from college with a whole bunch of degrees, she abruptly abandoned her first career and stayed home with her babies. With few societal constraints, she turned back to the world of horror fiction and expanded into pretty much every other genre available. Which explains the 20 books currently residing on her bedside table.

When she isn’t reading, watching TV and movies, having a love/hate relationship with her two cats, drinking martinis with her husband, or trying to over-mother her grown children, Sue is the Editorial Director at Silver Beacon Marketing. She oversees Readers Lane and Movie Rewind and nags her boss about his schedule. She feels that this is an ideal use of her skill sets.

Sue’s Reviews

Finding Jake

Finding Jake

Too Many Jakes Author: Bryan Reardon We are culturally fascinated by children who do evil things.  Or maybe is isn’t ...


Underground Outcasts Author:  Dean Koontz I admit that when I started reading Dean Koontz, many years ago, I thought of ...
Crooked Little Lies

Crooked Little Lies

Miss Perception Author: Barbara Taylor Sissel Imagine what it would be like to be unable to trust your own perception.  ...
Invasion of the Tearling, The (Queen of the Tearling, Book 2)

Invasion of the Tearling, The (Queen of the Tearling, Book 2)

Truth and Consequences Author: Erika Johansen Warning: The Invasion of the Tearling is a series book!  So if you have ...
Cold Morning (Edna Ferber Mysteries Book 6)

Cold Morning (Edna Ferber Mysteries Book 6)

Getting Ferberized Author: Ed Ifkovic Do you know who Edna Ferber was?  I mean, beyond recognizing her name?  Then you’re ...
Six Years

Six Years

Soul Mate Skullduggery Author: Harlan Coben I love Harlan Coben.  I’ve never been disappointed in a book he wrote.  I’m ...
Isolation (Faye Longchamp, Book 9)

Isolation (Faye Longchamp, Book 9)

No Joy on Joyeuse Author: Mary Anna Evans Faye Longchamp-Mantooth lives on an island. Not any island – Joyeuse Island ...
Captcha Thief

Captcha Thief

There’s a Hacker in the House Author: Rosie Claverton Suppose for a moment that you are agoraphobic.  Leaving your home ...
Waiting For the Cool Kind of Crazy

Waiting For the Cool Kind of Crazy

Love, Rage and Mental Illness Author: M.D. Moore Kids moan about their boring lives all the time.  We’ve all heard ...
Heavens May Fall, The

Heavens May Fall, The

No, YOU’RE out of order! Author: Allen Eskins If popular culture is to be believed, everyone hates criminal defense attorneys.  ...
Funeral Hotdish

Funeral Hotdish

This Ain't No Cozy Casserole Author: Jana Bommersbach I’m going to use the first sentence of this review to complain ...
Shadow of Seth (Seth Anomundy Book 1)

Shadow of Seth (Seth Anomundy Book 1)

Teen Angst and Soul Food Author: Tom Llewellyn What do you think of when someone says “teen sleuth”?  Nancy Drew?  ...
Dying to Tell (Gumshoe Ghost Book 3)

Dying to Tell (Gumshoe Ghost Book 3)

Supernatural Sleuthing Author: T.J. O'Connor You know, it isn’t easy to investigate when you’re dead.  Or at least that’s what ...
Trish's Team (Lady Tigers Series)

Trish’s Team (Lady Tigers Series)

Tween Angst Author: Dawn Brotherton Do you remember what it was like to be 12 years old?  Yeah, me neither, ...
Butterfly Waltz

Butterfly Waltz

Light as a Feather Author: Jane Tesh There is unquestionably a place in this world for light fantasy fiction.  Sometimes ...


Needs a Booster Shot Author: John Benedict It’s been a while since I read a medical thriller. I used to ...


A Dog, Cat, and Pig Day Afternoon Author: Eileen Brady I love my cats – really, I do. It would ...
Death in the Dolomites

Death in the Dolomites

Skiing Down Mount Murder Author: David P. Wagner It’s February. I currently hate winter. I know there are those of ...
Dear Daughter

Dear Daughter

You're ruining my life! Author: Elizabeth Little Being a teenager is a bitch. We all know it, but most of ...
Truth and Other Lies Cover

Truth and Other Lies

Liar Liar Pants on Fire Author: Sascha Arango Who knows what secrets lurk beneath even the noblest facades? We do, ...