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Biblical Theology, Volume 1: The Common Grace Covenants

A Look at Covenants in the Bible: the Adamic and Noahic Author: Jeffrey J. Niehaus For the last several months, I’ve been trying to mature as a Christian. I started with a few of the more beginner level books, such as Created Equal: How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political Thought and God Is a Man of War I enjoyed them, and they made me want more, something a little heavier, something to get my theological teeth into and challenge myself. Enter Jeffrey J. Niehaus’ three volume deep-dive on covenants in the Bible. I have always known that the Bible is [...]

Mind of the Raven

An Inconclusive, Narrow Look at Ravens Author: Bernd Heinrich When I was a child, I was addicted to nature and wildlife shows. Even though I was generally hyperactive, I could sit still for an hour or more and watch a program about ants, or birds, or big cats without once moving my eyes, which astonished (and probably relieved) my parents. As I’ve grown older, my love for nature and animals has remained. When I saw a book review for Bern Heinrich’s Mind of the Raven a good many years ago, I just had to have it. I bought the book, set [...]

2023-06-04T12:30:08-07:00June 4th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |

Nuremberg Trial, The

A Surprisingly Dull Treaties on International Law Authors: Ann & John Tusa Ann and John Tusa teamed together to create The Nuremberg Trial, a five-hundred-page opus covering the literal trial of the century where multiple nations gathered together, post-World War II, to decide the fate of the remaining Nazi leaders. In this international quest for justice, England, America, France, and the former USSR struggled with issues of vengeance, with perceived “victor’s justice,” with fairness and legality, and with establishing a new precedent for international law. Together, these nations participated in a yearlong trial of 22 defendants, including the infamous Hermann Göring. [...]

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