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Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions

How to Defend Your Convictions  Author: Gregory Koukl Have you ever known the answer to something, but frozen when someone asked you? Real conversations don’t invite preaching. They’re often fleeting, relationship defining moments, and your audience may not be nice enough (or interested enough) to let you work through your twenty-minute, ten-step spiel. They may interrupt. They may expect a summary, not a discourse. They may be hostile or friendly or somewhere in between. In this evolving world of complicated moments between people, how do you defend your convictions without someone walking away mad? Does every question have to devolve into [...]

2024-06-25T13:56:37-07:00June 25th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Humility: The Beauty of Holiness

A Treaties on an Underappreciated Virtue Author: Andrew Murray In this short (around 50 pages) booklet, Andrew Murray deep dives into the most overlooked (and least liked) Christlike attribute of humility. He first starts by defining humility – what it is, where it comes into play in our lives and our faiths, and why it is ultimately beautiful and freeing. Humility does not cancel out our personalities, it perfects them, bathes them in the glow of Christ, and helps us to become more of what we are, not less. Next, Murray gives us some examples of how Jesus showed humility, how [...]

2024-03-26T19:10:35-07:00March 26th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Fortune Teller’s Prophecy, The

From Chaos to Calling Author: Lally Pia As a child, a Sri Lankan priest foretold that Lally would be “a doctor of doctors.” The prophecy was a troublesome one, half burden and half embarrassment. Add to this the stress of being the oldest child, the one with the dubious honor of being the first to set an example, to make something of herself, to follow the rules of culture and the rules for a woman. From the beginning of The Fortune Teller’s Prophecy, Lally’s path hardly seemed star studded. If anything, her destiny appeared to be one of frustration and bad [...]

2024-03-11T08:33:19-07:00March 10th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |
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